Minecraft Wiki

La documentazione per questo modulo può essere creata in Modulo:Inventory slot/Aliases/doc

local coloredDyes = {
	'Orange Dye', 'Magenta Dye', 'Light Blue Dye', 'Dandelion Yellow', 'Lime Dye',
	'Pink Dye', 'Gray Dye', 'Light Gray Dye', 'Cyan Dye', 'Purple Dye',
	'Lapis Lazuli', 'Cocoa Beans', 'Cactus Green', 'Rose Red', 'Ink Sac',
local aliases = {
	-- Common fuel types for furnace --
	['Ogni carburante'] = { 'Carbone', 'Carbonella', { title = 'Tronco', name = 'Tronco di quercia' }, { title = 'Assi di legno', name = 'Assi di quercia' }, 'Blocco di carbone' },
	['Any leather armor'] = { 'Leather Cap', 'Leather Tunic', 'Leather Pants', 'Leather Boots' },
	['Any golden armor'] = { 'Golden Helmet', 'Golden Chestplate', 'Golden Leggings', 'Golden Boots' },
	['Any chain armor'] = { 'Chain Helmet', 'Chain Chestplate', 'Chain Leggings', 'Chain Boots' },
	['Any iron armor'] = { 'Iron Helmet', 'Iron Chestplate', 'Iron Leggings', 'Iron Boots' },
	['Any diamond armor'] = { 'Diamond Helmet', 'Diamond Chestplate', 'Diamond Leggings', 'Diamond Boots' },
	-- Display names --
	['Broken Elytra'] = { title = '&eElytra', name = 'Broken Elytra' },
	['Clay (block)'] = { title = 'Clay', name = 'Clay (block)' },
	['Enchanted Golden Apple'] = { title = '&dEnchanted Golden Apple', name = 'Golden Apple' },
	['Nether Brick (item)'] = { title = 'Nether Brick', name = 'Nether Brick (item)' },
	['Snow (layer)'] = { title = 'Snow', name = 'Snow (layer)' },
	['Button'] = { title = 'Button', name = 'Stone Button'},
	['Wooden Button'] = { title = 'Button', name = 'Oak Button'},
	-- Weapons --
	['Trident'] = { name = 'Trident', text = '/&7 When in main hand:/ &2 1.1 Attack Speed/ &2 9 Attack Damage'},

	-- Bedrock and Education Edition display names --
	['Elytra Wings'] = { title = 'Elytra Wings', name = 'Elytra' },
	['Cooked Beef'] = { title = 'Cooked Beef', name = 'Steak' },
	['Map (no markers)'] = { title = 'Map', name = 'Map', text = 'Display Markers: &cNo' },
	['Locator Map'] = { title = 'Map', name = 'Map', text = 'Display Markers: &aYes' },

	-- Chemistry --
	['Lead (element)'] = { title = 'Lead', name = 'Lead (element)' },
	['Water (compound)'] = { title = 'Water', name = 'Water (compound)' },
	['Chloride'] = { 'Calcium Chloride', 'Cerium Chloride', 'Mercuric Chloride', 'Potassium Chloride', 'Tungsten Chloride' },
	['Sparkler'] = { 'Orange Sparkler', 'Blue Sparkler', 'Red Sparkler', 'Purple Sparkler', 'Green Sparkler' },
	['Matching Chloride'] = { 'Cerium Chloride', 'Mercuric Chloride', 'Potassium Chloride', 'Tungsten Chloride' },
	['Matching Colored Torch'] = { 'Blue Torch', 'Red Torch', 'Purple Torch', 'Green Torch' },
	-- Potions --
	['Awkward Potion'] = { name = 'Awkward Potion', text = '&7No effects' },
	['Water Bottle'] = { name = 'Water Bottle', text = '&7No effects' },
	['Thick Potion'] = { name = 'Thick Potion', text = '&7No effects' },
	['Mundane Potion'] = { name = 'Mundane Potion', text = '&7No effects' },
	['Uncraftable Potion'] = { name = 'Uncraftable Potion', text = '&7No effects' },
	['Awkward Splash Potion'] = { name = 'Awkward Splash Potion', text = '&7No effects' },
	['Splash Water Bottle'] = { name = 'Splash Water Bottle', text = '&7No effects' },
	['Thick Splash Potion'] = { name = 'Thick Splash Potion', text = '&7No effects' },
	['Mundane Splash Potion'] = { name = 'Mundane Splash Potion', text = '&7No effects' },
	['Uncraftable Splash Potion'] = { name = 'Uncraftable Splash Potion', text = '&7No effects' },
	['Awkward Lingering Potion'] = { name = 'Awkward Lingering Potion', text = '&7No effects' },
	['Lingering Water Bottle'] = { name = 'Lingering Water Bottle', text = '&7No effects' },
	['Thick Lingering Potion'] = { name = 'Thick Lingering Potion', text = '&7No effects' },
	['Mundane Lingering Potion'] = { name = 'Mundane Lingering Potion', text = '&7No effects' },
	['Uncraftable Lingering Potion'] = { name = 'Uncraftable Lingering Potion', text = '&7No effects' },
	['Tipped Arrow'] = { name = 'Tipped Arrow', text = '&7No effects' },
	['Arrow of Splashing'] = { name = 'Arrow of Splashing', text = '&7No effects' },
	['Uncraftable Tipped Arrow'] = { name = 'Uncraftable Tipped Arrow', text = '&7No effects' },

	['Potion of the Turtle Master'] = { name = 'Potion of the Turtle Master', text = '&cSlowness IV (1:00)/&9Resistance III (1:00)' },
	['Potion of the Turtle Master Extended'] = { name = 'Potion of the Turtle Master', text = '&cSlowness IV (3:00)/&9Resistance III (3:00)' },
	['Potion of the Turtle Master Enhanced'] = { name = 'Potion of the Turtle Master', text = '&cSlowness VI (1:00)/&9Resistance IV (1:00)' },
	['Splash Potion of the Turtle Master'] = { name = 'Splash Potion of the Turtle Master', text = '&cSlowness IV (1:00)/&9Resistance IIIV (1:00)' },
	['Splash Potion of the Turtle Master Extended'] = { name = 'Splash Potion of the Turtle Master', text = '&cSlowness IV (3:00)/&9Resistance III (3:00)' },
	['Splash Potion of the Turtle Master Enhanced'] = { name = 'Splash Potion of the Turtle Master', text = '&cSlowness VI (1:00)/&9Resistance IV (1:00)' },
	['Lingering Potion of the Turtle Master'] = { name = 'Lingering Potion of the Turtle Master', text = '&cSlowness IV (0:15)/&9Resistance III (0:15)' },
	['Lingering Potion of the Turtle Master Extended'] = { name = 'Lingering Potion of the Turtle Master', text = '&cSlowness IV (0:45)/&9Resistance III (0:45)' },
	['Lingering Potion of the Turtle Master Enhanced'] = { name = 'Lingering Potion of the Turtle Master', text = '&cSlowness VI (45:15)/&9Resistance IV (0:15)' },
	['Arrow of the Turtle Master'] = { name = 'Arrow of the Turtle Master', text = '&cSlowness IV (0:07)/&9Resistance III (0:07)' },
	['Arrow of the Turtle Master Extended'] = { name = 'Arrow of the Turtle Master', text = '&cSlowness IV (0:22)/&9Resistance III (0:22)' },
	['Arrow of the Turtle Master Enhanced'] = { name = 'Arrow Potion of the Turtle Master', text = '&cSlowness VI (0:07)/&9Resistance IV (0:07)' },

-- Tooltip colors --
local yellowTooltips = {
	'Bottle o\' Enchanting',
	'Creeper Head',
	'Damaged Elytra',
	'Dragon Head',
	'Dragon\'s Breath',
	'Enchanted Book',
	'Heart of the Sea',
	'Nether Star',
	'Skeleton Skull',
	'Totem of Undying',
	'Wither Skeleton Skull',
	'Zombie Head',
for _, name in ipairs( yellowTooltips ) do
	aliases[name] = { title = '&e', name = name }

local aquaTooltips = {
	'End Crystal',
	'Golden Apple',
for _, name in ipairs( aquaTooltips ) do
	aliases[name] = { title = '&b', name = name }

local lightPurpleTooltips = {
	'Chain Command Block',
	'Command Block',
	'Dragon Egg',
	'Repeating Command Block',
	'Structure Block',
for _, name in ipairs( lightPurpleTooltips ) do
	aliases[name] = { title = '&d', name = name }

-- Tools and weapons --
local tools = {
	{'Wooden', 'Sword', 1.6, 4 },
	{'Stone', 'Sword', 1.6, 5 },
	{'Iron', 'Sword', 1.6, 4 },
	{'Golden', 'Sword', 1.6, 7 },
	{'Diamond', 'Sword', 1.6, 6 },
	{'Wooden', 'Pickaxe', 1.2, 2 },
	{'Stone', 'Pickaxe', 1.2, 3 },
	{'Iron', 'Pickaxe', 1.2, 4 },
	{'Golden', 'Pickaxe', 1.2, 2 },
	{'Diamond', 'Pickaxe', 1.2, 5 },
	{'Wooden', 'Axe', 0.8, 7 },
	{'Stone', 'Axe', 0.8, 9 },
	{'Iron', 'Axe', 0.9, 9 },
	{'Golden', 'Axe', 1, 7 },
	{'Diamond', 'Axe', 1, 9 },
	{'Wooden', 'Shovel', 1, 2.5 },
	{'Stone', 'Shovel', 1, 3.5 },
	{'Iron', 'Shovel', 1, 4.5 },
	{'Golden', 'Shovel', 1, 2.5 },
	{'Diamond', 'Shovel', 1, 5.5 },
	{'Wooden', 'Hoe', 1, 1 },
	{'Stone', 'Hoe', 2, 1 },
	{'Iron', 'Hoe', 3, 1 },
	{'Golden', 'Hoe', 1, 1 },
	{'Diamond', 'Hoe', 4, 1 }

local materialGroups = {}
local toolGroups = {}

for _, toolProps in ipairs( tools ) do
	local aliasName = toolProps[1] .. ' ' .. toolProps[2]
	aliases[aliasName] = { title = aliasName, name = aliasName, text = '/&7When in main hand:/ &2' .. toolProps[3] .. ' Attack Speed/ &2' .. toolProps[4] .. ' Attack Damage' }
	local materialGroup = toolProps[1]:lower();
	local toolGroup = toolProps[2]:lower();
	if toolProps[2] ~= 'Sword' then
		if materialGroups[materialGroup] == nil then materialGroups[materialGroup] = {} end
		table.insert( materialGroups[materialGroup], aliases[aliasName] )
	if toolGroups[toolGroup] == nil then toolGroups[toolGroup] = {} end
	table.insert( toolGroups[toolGroup], aliases[aliasName] )

for materialGroup, items in pairs( materialGroups ) do
	aliases['Any ' .. materialGroup .. ' tools'] = items

for toolGroup, items in pairs( toolGroups ) do
	aliases['Any ' .. toolGroup] = items

-- Lists of item variants --
local itemVariants = {
	['Dye'] = mw.clone( coloredDyes ),
	['Colored Dye'] = coloredDyes,
	['Lana colorata'] = {
		'Lana bianca', 'Lana arancione', 'Lana magenta', 'Lana azzurra',
		'Lana gialla', 'Lana lime', 'Lana rosa', 'Lana grigia',
		'Lana grigio chiaro', 'Lana ciano', 'Lana viola', 'Lana blu',
		'Lana marrone', 'Lana verde', 'Lana rossa', 'Lana nera',
	['Letti colorati'] = {
		'Letto bianco', 'Letto arancione', 'Letto magenta', 'Letto azzurro',
		'Letto giallo', 'Letto lime', 'Letto rosa', 'Letto grigio',
		'Letto grigio chiaro', 'Letto ciano', 'Letto viola', 'Letto blu',
		'Letto marrone', 'Letto verde', 'Letto rosso', 'Letto nero',
	['Tappeti colorati'] = {
		'Tappeto bianco', 'Tappeto arancione', 'Tappeto magenta', 'Tappeto azzurro',
		'Tappeto giallo', 'Tappeto lime', 'Tappeto rosa', 'Tappeto grigio',
		'Tappeto grigio chiaro', 'Tappeto ciano', 'Tappeto viola', 'Tappeto blu',
		'Tappeto marrone', 'Tappeto verde', 'Tappeto rosso', 'Tappeto nero',
	['Terracotta colorata'] = {
		'Terracotta bianca', 'Terracotta arancione', 'Terracotta magenta', 'Terracotta azzurra',
		'Terracotta gialla', 'Terracotta lime','Terracotta rosa', 'Terracotta grigia',
		'Terracotta grigio chiaro', 'Terracotta ciano', 'Terracotta viola', 'Terracotta blu',
		'Terracotta marrone', 'Terracotta verde', 'Terracotta rossa', 'Terracotta nera',
	['Fungo'] = { 'Fungo rosso', 'Fungo marrone' },
	['Quartz Block'] = { 'Block of Quartz', 'Chiseled Quartz Block', 'Quartz Pillar' },
	['Red Sandstone'] = { 'Red Sandstone', 'Chiseled Red Sandstone', 'Smooth Red Sandstone' },
	['Sandstone'] = { 'Sandstone', 'Chiseled Sandstone', 'Smooth Sandstone' },
	['Stone Bricks'] = { 'Stone Bricks', 'Mossy Stone Bricks', 'Cracked Stone Bricks', 'Chiseled Stone Bricks' },
	['Stone Slab'] = { 'Stone Slab', 'Sandstone Slab', 'Cobblestone Slab', 'Brick Slab', 'Stone Brick Slab', 'Nether Brick Slab', 'Quartz Slab' },
	['Purpur Block'] = { 'Purpur Block', 'Purpur Pillar' },
	['Stone'] = { 'Stone', 'Andesite', 'Granite', 'Diorite', 'Polished Andesite', 'Polished Granite', 'Polished Diorite' },
table.insert( itemVariants['Dye'], 1, 'Bone Meal' )
for aliasName, aliasItems in pairs( itemVariants ) do
	aliases['Ogni ' .. aliasName] = aliasItems
	aliases[aliasName .. ' corrispondente'] = aliasItems

-- Animated icons --
local animatedIcons = {
	'Blocco comandi',
	'Chain Command Block',
	'Repeating Command Block',
	'Heat Block',
	'Blocco di magma',
	'Lanterna marina',
for _, icon in ipairs( animatedIcons ) do
	aliases[icon] = icon .. '.gif'

-- Discs --
local discs = { '13', 'cat', 'blocks', 'chirp', 'far', 'mall', 'mellohi', 'stal', 'strad', 'ward', '11', 'wait' }
for _, disc in ipairs( discs ) do
	local name = disc .. ' Disc'
	aliases[name] = { title = '&bMusic Disc', name = name, text = '&7C418 - ' .. disc }

-- Damaged armor, tools and weapons --
local damagedItems = {
	'Carrot on a Stick',
	'Chain Boots',
	'Chain Chestplate',
	'Chain Helmet',
	'Chain Leggings',
	'Ascia di diamante',
	'Stivali di diamante',
	'Corazza di diamante',
	'Elmo di diamante',
	'Zappa di diamante',
	'Gambiera di diamante',
	'Piccone di diamante',
	'Pala di diamante',
	'Spada di diamante',
	'Canna da pesca',
	"Ascia d'oro",
	"Stivali d'oro",
	"Corazza d'oro",
	"Elmo d'oro",
	"Zappa d'oro",
	"Gambiera d'oro",
	"Piccone d'oro",
	"Pala d'oro",
	"Spada d'oro",
	'Ascia di ferro',
	'Stivali di di ferro',
	'Corazza di ferro',
	'Elmo di ferro',
	'Zappa di ferro',
	'Gambiera di ferro',
	'Piccone di ferro',
	'Pala di ferro',
	'Spada di ferro',
	'Stivali di cuoio',
	'Giubbia di cuoio',
	'Casco di cuoio',
	'Pantaloni di cuoio',
	'Ascia di pietra',
	'Zappa di pietra',
	'Piccone di pietra',
	'Pala di pietra',
	'Spada di pietra',
	'Ascia di legno',
	'Zappa di legno',
	'Piccone di legno',
	'Pala di legno',
	'Spada di legno'
for _, item in ipairs( damagedItems ) do
	local name = item .. ' danneggiato'
	aliases[name] = { title = item, name = name }

-- Banners and colored items --
local patterns = {
	'Base Dexter Canton',
	'Base Gradient',
	'Base Indented',
	'Base Sinister Canton',
	'Bend Sinister',
	'Bordure Indented',
	'Chief Dexter Canton',
	'Chief Indented',
	'Chief Sinister Canton',
	'Creeper Charge',
	'Field Masoned',
	'Flower Charge',
	'Inverted Chevron',
	'Pale Dexter',
	'Pale Sinister',
	'Per Bend',
	'Per Bend Inverted',
	'Per Bend Sinister',
	'Per Bend Sinister Inverted',
	'Per Fess',
	'Per Fess Inverted',
	'Per Pale',
	'Per Pale Inverted',
	'Skull Charge'
local colors = {
	'grigio chiaro',
-- Firework Stars --
local fireworkStar = {}
for _, color in ipairs( colors ) do
	local name = color .. ' Firework Star'
	aliases[name] = { title = 'Firework Star', name = name, text = '&7' .. color }
	table.insert( fireworkStar, aliases[name] )
	for _, pattern in ipairs( patterns ) do
		name = 'Stendardo ' .. color .. ' ' .. pattern
		aliases[name] = { title = 'Stendardo', name = name, text = '&7' .. color .. ' ' .. pattern }
aliases['Any Firework Star'] = fireworkStar
aliases['Matching Firework Star'] = fireworkStar

-- Items that use the sixteen colors m --
local coloredItems = {
	'Glow Stick',
	'Hardened $1 Stained Glass',
	'Hardened $1 Stained Glass Pane',
	'Shulker Box',
	'Stained Glass',
	'Stained Glass Pane',

for _, item in ipairs( coloredItems ) do
	local coloredItemAliases = {}
	local itemName = ''
	for _, color in ipairs( colors ) do
		if item:find( '%$1' ) then
			itemName = string.gsub( item, '%$1', color )
			itemName = item .. ' ' .. color
		table.insert( coloredItemAliases, itemName )
	item = item:gsub( '%$1 ', '')
	aliases['Ogni ' .. item] = coloredItemAliases
	aliases[item .. ' corrispondente'] = coloredItemAliases

-- Potions --
local status = {
	{'Regeneration', '&9Regeneration', 'II', '0:45', '1:30', '0:22', '0:11', '0:22', '0:05', '0:05', '0:11', '0:02' },
	{'Swiftness', '&9Speed', 'II', '3:00', '8:00', '1:30', '0:45', '2:00', '0:22', '0:22', '1:00', '0:11' },
	{'Fire Resistance', '&9Fire Resistance', '', '3:00', '8:00', '', '0:45', '2:00', '', '0:22', '1:00', '' },
	{'Poison', '&cPoison', 'II', '0:45', '1:30', '0:21', '0:11', '0:22', '0:05', '0:05', '0:11', '0:02' },
	{'Healing', '&9Instant Health', 'II', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '' },
	{'Night Vision', '&9Night Vision', '', '3:00', '8:00', '', '0:45', '2:00', '', '0:22', '1:00', '' },
	{'Weakness', '&cWeakness', '', '1:30', '4:00', '', '0:22', '1:00', '', '0:11', '0:30', '' },
	{'Strength', '&9Strength', 'II', '3:00', '8:00', '1:30', '0:45', '2:00', '0:22', '0:22', '1:00', '0:11' },
	{'Slowness', '&cSlowness', 'IV', '1:30', '4:00', '0:20', '0:22', '1:00', '0:05', '0:11', '0:30', '0:02' },
	{'Leaping', '&9Jump Boost', 'II', '3:00', '8:00', '1:30', '0:45', '2:00', '0:22', '0:22', '1:00', '0:11' },
	{'Harming', '&cInstant Damage', 'II', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '' },
	{'Water Breathing', '&9Water Breathing', '', '3:00', '8:00', '', '0:45', '2:00', '', '0:22', '1:00', '' },
	{'Invisibility', '&9Invisibility', '', '3:00', '8:00', '', '0:45', '2:00', '', '0:22', '1:00', '' },
	{'Slow Falling', '&9Slow Falling', '', '1:30', '4:00', '', '0:22', '1:00', '', '0:11', '0:30', '' },
	{'Luck', '&9Luck', '', '5:00', '', '', '1:15', '', '', '0:37', '', '' },
	{'Decay', '&cDecay', '', '0:40', '', '', '0:10', '', '', '0:05', '', '' },
  --{'potionName', 'potionStatus', 'enhancedLevel', 'duration', 'durationExtended', 'durationEnhanced', 'durationLingering',
  -- 'durationLingerExtended', 'durationLingerEnhanced', 'durationArrow', 'durationArrowExtended', 'durationArrowEnhanced' },

for _, statusProps in ipairs( status ) do
if statusProps[4] ~= '' then
		local aliasName = 'Potion of ' .. statusProps[1]
		aliases[aliasName] = { title = aliasName, name = aliasName, text = statusProps[2] .. ' (' .. statusProps[4] .. ')'}
		local aliasName = 'Potion of ' .. statusProps[1] .. ' Extended'
		aliases[aliasName] = { title = 'Potion of ' .. statusProps[1], name = 'Potion of ' .. statusProps[1], text = statusProps[2] .. ' (' .. statusProps[5] .. ')'}
		local aliasName = 'Potion of ' .. statusProps[1] .. ' Enhanced'
		aliases[aliasName] = { title = 'Potion of ' .. statusProps[1], name = 'Potion of ' .. statusProps[1], text = statusProps[2] .. ' ' .. statusProps[3] .. ' (' .. statusProps[6] .. ')'}
		local aliasName = 'Splash Potion of ' .. statusProps[1]
		aliases[aliasName] = { title = aliasName, name = aliasName, text = statusProps[2] .. ' (' .. statusProps[4] .. ')'}
		local aliasName = 'Splash Potion of ' .. statusProps[1] .. ' Extended'
		aliases[aliasName] = { title = 'Splash Potion of ' .. statusProps[1], name = 'Splash Potion of ' .. statusProps[1], text = statusProps[2] .. ' (' .. statusProps[5] .. ')'}
		local aliasName = 'Splash Potion of ' .. statusProps[1] .. ' Enhanced'
		aliases[aliasName] = { title = 'Splash Potion of ' .. statusProps[1], name = 'Splash Potion of ' .. statusProps[1], text = statusProps[2] .. ' ' .. statusProps[3] .. ' (' .. statusProps[6] .. ')'}
		local aliasName = 'Lingering Potion of ' .. statusProps[1]
		aliases[aliasName] = { title = aliasName, name = aliasName, text = statusProps[2] .. ' (' .. statusProps[7] .. ')'}
		local aliasName = 'Lingering Potion of ' .. statusProps[1] .. ' Extended'
		aliases[aliasName] = { title = 'Lingering Potion of ' .. statusProps[1], name = 'Lingering Potion of ' .. statusProps[1], text = statusProps[2] .. ' (' .. statusProps[8] .. ')'}
		local aliasName = 'Lingering Potion of ' .. statusProps[1] .. ' Enhanced'
		aliases[aliasName] = { title = 'Lingering Potion of ' .. statusProps[1], name = 'Lingering Potion of ' .. statusProps[1], text = statusProps[2] .. ' ' .. statusProps[3] .. ' (' .. statusProps[9] .. ')'}
		local aliasName = 'Arrow of ' .. statusProps[1]
		aliases[aliasName] = { title = aliasName, name = aliasName, text = statusProps[2] .. ' (' .. statusProps[10] .. ')'}
		local aliasName = 'Arrow of ' .. statusProps[1] .. ' Extended'
		aliases[aliasName] = { title = 'Arrow of ' .. statusProps[1], name = 'Arrow of ' .. statusProps[1], text = statusProps[2] .. ' (' .. statusProps[11] .. ')'}
		local aliasName = 'Arrow of ' .. statusProps[1] .. ' Enhanced'
		aliases[aliasName] = { title = 'Arrow of ' .. statusProps[1], name = 'Arrow of ' .. statusProps[1], text = statusProps[2] .. ' ' .. statusProps[3] .. ' (' .. statusProps[12] .. ')'}
		local aliasName = 'Potion of ' .. statusProps[1]
		aliases[aliasName] = { title = aliasName, name = aliasName, text = statusProps[2] }
		local aliasName = 'Potion of ' .. statusProps[1] .. ' Enhanced'
		aliases[aliasName] = { title = 'Potion of ' .. statusProps[1], name = 'Potion of ' .. statusProps[1], text = statusProps[2] .. ' ' .. statusProps[3] }
		local aliasName = 'Splash Potion of ' .. statusProps[1]
		aliases[aliasName] = { title = aliasName, name = aliasName, text = statusProps[2] }
		local aliasName = 'Splash Potion of ' .. statusProps[1] .. ' Enhanced'
		aliases[aliasName] = { title = 'Splash Potion of ' .. statusProps[1], name = 'Splash Potion of ' .. statusProps[1], text = statusProps[2] .. ' ' .. statusProps[3] }
		local aliasName = 'Lingering Potion of ' .. statusProps[1]
		aliases[aliasName] = { title = aliasName, name = aliasName, text = statusProps[2] }
		local aliasName = 'Lingering Potion of ' .. statusProps[1] .. ' Enhanced'
		aliases[aliasName] = { title = 'Lingering Potion of ' .. statusProps[1], name = 'Lingering Potion of ' .. statusProps[1], text = statusProps[2] .. ' ' .. statusProps[3] }
		local aliasName = 'Arrow of ' .. statusProps[1]
		aliases[aliasName] = { title = aliasName, name = aliasName, text = statusProps[2] }
		local aliasName = 'Arrow of ' .. statusProps[1] .. ' Enhanced'
		aliases[aliasName] = { title = 'Arrow of ' .. statusProps[1], name = 'Arrow of ' .. statusProps[1], text = statusProps[2] .. ' ' .. statusProps[3] }

local effects = {
	'Fire Resistance',
	'Night Vision',
	'Water Breathing',
	'the Turtle Master',
local potionItems = {
	['Potion'] = {
		'Water Bottle',
		'Awkward Potion',
		'Thick Potion',
		'Mundane Potion',
	['Splash Potion'] = {
		'Splash Water Bottle',
		'Awkward Splash Potion',
		'Thick Splash Potion',
		'Mundane Splash Potion',
	['Lingering Potion'] = {
		'Lingering Water Bottle',
		'Awkward Lingering Potion',
		'Thick Lingering Potion',
		'Mundane Lingering Potion',
	['Tipped Arrow'] = {
		'Arrow of Splashing',
		'Tipped Arrow',
		'Tipped Arrow',
		'Tipped Arrow',
for _, effect in ipairs( effects ) do
	table.insert( potionItems['Splash Potion'], 'Splash Potion of ' .. effect )
	table.insert( potionItems['Lingering Potion'], 'Lingering Potion of ' .. effect )
	table.insert( potionItems['Tipped Arrow'], 'Arrow of ' .. effect )
for item, potionAliases in pairs( potionItems ) do
	aliases['Ogni ' .. item] = potionAliases
	aliases[item .. ' corrispondente'] = potionAliases

-- Legno --
local woods = {
	'di quercia',
	'di abete',
	'di betulla',
	'della giungla',
	'di acacia',
	'di quercia scura'
local woodItems = {
	'Porta di legno',
	'Staccionata di legno',
	'Pulsante di legno',
	'Pedana a pressione di legno',
	'Botola di legno',
	'Lastra di legno',
	'Scalini di legno',
	'Stripped $1 Log',
	'Stripped $1 Wood',
	'Wood Planks',
	'Wood Slab',
	'Wood Stairs',
	'Stripped $1 Bark',

for _, item in ipairs( woodItems ) do
	local itemName = ''
	local woodAliases = {}
	for _, wood in ipairs( woods ) do
		if item:find('wood') then
			itemName = string.gsub( item, 'wood', wood )
		elseif item:find('%$1') then
			itemName = string.gsub( item, '%$1', wood )
			itemName = item .. ' ' .. wood
		table.insert( woodAliases, itemName )
	item = string.gsub( item, '%$1 ', '' )
	aliases['Ogni ' .. item] = woodAliases
	aliases[item .. ' corrispondente'] = woodAliases

return aliases