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Situazione metrologica nei due biomi.

Il Meteo in Minecraft è l'insieme di quegli eventi che si verificano globalmente come la pioggia e la neve.



Un paragone del livello di luce nei tre stati metereologici.

Il tipo di meteo può influenzare l'ambiente dei biomi determinandone la temperatura e l'altitudine.

Inizialmente una situazione metereologica

I giocatori con i trucchi attivi possono cambiare il meteo con i seguenti comandi: /weather clear <time> o /weather rain <time>, e /weather thunder <time>. Il parametro <time> indica la sia durata in secondi. Anche /toggledownfall cambia il meteo attuale.


Quando piove o c'è un temporale il livello di luce si abbassa ed è per questo motivo che i villici rientrano nelle loro case.

Quando piove il Sole e la Luna e la stelle non sono visibili.






Lightning occurs frequently during thunderstorms. It strikes randomly, creating fires where it strikes, igniting any nearby flammable materials, but the rain usually puts the fire out before it can spread. Note that lightning can strike only blocks that are exposed to the rain.

Lightning deals 5 (♥♥♥) damage to entities on normal difficulty, not including the damage done by the fire it causes. It turns creepers into charged creepers, villagers into witches, pigs into zombie pigmen, and mooshrooms into their brown variants.

Lightning may randomly spawn a "skeleton trap" skeletal horse, with a chance of 3.75–7.5% on Easy, 7.5–20% on Normal, and 11.25–33.75% on Hard, depending on the regional difficulty.

Thunder is a sound that occurs every time lightning strikes. It can be heard by the player up to 160,000 blocks away from the position of the lightning strike. Thunder is heard instantly, regardless the player's distance from the lightning strike itself.

Lightning may be manually summoned with the /summon lightning_bolt command. While it is summoned as an entity, it cannot be referred to by commands or selectors.

If the player throws a trident enchanted with channeling during a thunderstorm, it summons a lightning bolt at the thrown area.




Rain pouring down in Classic

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